Preparation of samples
Deep well plates
Thermocycler for PCR

Marker lab
Unambiguously identifiable, short DNA segments with known positions in the genome are referred to as molecular markers. Patterns within the genetic information, for example length polymorphisms of certain DNA segments (between varieties) or sequence differences in a certain DNA position (between two plants), enable an allocation of possibly linked qualities at early stages of plant development. This leads to an accelerated selection process in plant breeding.
Nowadays, the application of molecular marker technology is inevitably associated with efficient and successful plant breeding. Academic methods and results are evaluated in projects for their relevance to practical applications. Molecular marker technology is part of our service available for canola, wheat, barley, rye and other species. It can be used for marker assisted selection (e.g. virus resistance in barley), analyses of kinship or genetic distances. Molecular markers are also important for quality control in the production of hybrid seeds.